Product Explainer Video : A Beginner Guide

You’re about to discover a powerful marketing tool that can boost your product’s visibility, with 71% of consumers saying that product explainer videos have helped them understand a product or service better. A product explainer video is a short, engaging video that explains your product or service in a simple, easy-to-understand way. They’re usually 30 seconds to 2 minutes long, using pictures, talking, and music to get your message across quickly. You can choose from animated, live-action, or brand animation styles, depending on your topic, audience, and message. Now, get ready to learn how to create an effective explainer video that drives results for your business.


Key Takeaways

  • Keep your explainer video concise, ideally between 30 seconds to 2 minutes long, to quickly engage and inform your audience.
  • Choose the right type of explainer video (animated, live-action, brand animation, or SaaS) based on your topic, audience, and message.
  • Focus your script on the customer’s problem, your solution, and the benefits it provides, and create a sense of urgency to prompt action.
  • Use storytelling techniques to emotionally connect with your audience, make the story relatable and memorable, and highlight the consequences of not using your product.
  • Use visuals to simplify complex ideas, break down information into easily digestible chunks, and make the video scannable with headings and visuals.


Understanding Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are short videos that explain things like products, services, or ideas in an easy way. They help businesses show the value of what they offer to people who might be interested. These videos are becoming more popular because they’re quick to watch and understand.

Here are some key points about explainer videos:

  • They’re usually between 30 seconds and 2 minutes long.
  • They use pictures, talking, and music to make things simple.
  • Explainer videos are great for marketing because they help people learn about a product or service quickly.

If you’re a marketer, using explainer videos can help your business get noticed, bring more people to your website, and increase sales.


Types of Explainer Videos

When you want to make a video that explains something, you have a few choices. Each type of video has its own strengths and benefits.

The options include:
– Animated videos can make people feel connected to your message, which is great for telling stories and getting people to know your brand.

  • Live-action videos are good for showing real things, like products or services, making them good for online shops and product showcases.
  • Brand animation and SaaS explainer videos give you lots of choices in how you want to show your style, tone, and message. They work well for software and technology products.

The type of video you pick will depend on what you’re talking about, who you’re talking to, and the message you want to share.


Creating Effective Videos

When creating an effective explainer video, you’ll want to start by crafting a script that resonates with your target audience. This means writing an engaging story that addresses their pain points and highlights the benefits of your product or service.


Scriptwriting Essentials

When writing a script for your product explainer video, it’s important to focus on the customer’s problems and how your product can help.

Here are some tips to connect with your audience:

  • Understand their struggles: Show that you know what they’re going through and that you want to help.
  • Show the benefits: Explain how your product makes their lives better.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Encourage them to act now by explaining the consequences of not using your product.


Write Engaging Story

To grab your audience’s attention and get your message across, you need to tell an interesting story that connects with their needs and wants. Your story should make them feel something and get them interested in what you’re offering. Visual storytelling is key here – using pictures to show your message in a way that speaks to your audience.

When you’re creating your story, think about the main character (your target audience). What’re their problems, and how does your product fix them? Use a simple story structure to lead your audience through the tale, building a bond with them as you go.

This way, you’ll make an emotional connection that gets people engaged and ready to act. Remember, the aim is to make a story that speaks to your audience, not just to show off your product’s features. By focusing on emotions, you’ll make a video that sticks in people’s minds and gets results.


Keep It Concise

When creating videos, every second matters. Aim for a length of 30-90 seconds to keep viewers engaged. Focus on one main message, use simple language, and make sure your video is easy to follow.

Here are some key tips:

  • Stick to one main message
  • Use clear and simple language
  • Make your video scannable with headings and visuals


Key Elements of Success

To make a great explainer video, you need to include some key elements. These elements will help you grab the attention of your audience and get your message across clearly.

  • Use pictures and videos to tell your story in a simple way.
  • Break down hard ideas into easy parts so people can understand.
  • Keep viewers interested by making them feel connected to your product.
  • Tell a story that matches what your audience cares about.
  • Talk to their needs and problems to build trust.
  • Remember, the goal is to teach and convince, not just entertain.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Creating an explainer video? Avoid these mistakes:

  • Not telling viewers what to do next: Make it clear what you want them to do, like visiting your site or trying a free trial.
  • Forgetting the power of visuals: Use fun animations and pictures to make your video more interesting.
  • Giving too much information: Keep it short and focused. Don’t overwhelm viewers with too many details.


Benefits of Explainer Videos

Explainer videos help your website do better and sell more. They make it easier for people to understand your product or service. Here’s how explainer videos can benefit your business:

  • Explainer videos can boost your website’s conversion rates.
  • They can make more people aware of your brand.
  • They give you feedback from customers.
  • Explainer videos can help you compete better.
  • They show off your brand’s personality.
  • They help you learn what customers like and don’t like.
  • Explainer videos can bring more people to your website and make more sales.
  • They can help you reach your marketing goals.


Distribution and Metrics

You’ve created an amazing product explainer video, but now it’s time to get it out there!

You’ll need to decide on the best distribution channels for your video, whether that’s your website, social media, or email campaigns.


Distribution Channels

To make sure lots of people see your video, it’s important to share it across multiple platforms. Placing the video on your website, social media channels, and in email marketing campaigns can significantly increase its visibility and engagement. This integrated approach allows you to reach a wider audience, generate more views, increase likes, and potentially drive sales.

Here are some key places where you can share your video:

  • Your website: Incorporate the video on strategic pages such as the homepage, product page, or blog to captivate visitors and enhance user experience.
  • Social media: Utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to share your video with your existing followers and attract new audiences. Social media provides a powerful way to showcase your content and engage with your community.
  • Email marketing: Enhance your email campaigns by including the video to grab recipients’ attention, keep them engaged, and potentially convert them into customers. Videos in emails can increase click-through rates and drive actions from your subscribers.


Measuring Success

To see if your video is doing well, you need to check some important numbers. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Count how many people watch your video
  • See how much people are interacting with it
  • Check how many people are doing what you want them to do, like signing up or buying
  • Find out how long people are watching your video for